In March, the North Mecklenburg Speech and Debate team attended the North Carolina State Championship. The team won the Randall Shaver Award of Excellence, which recognizes a small program that excels most. The team had two state quarterfinalists, two semifinalists, and two finalists at the competition (including a state championship in one category).

Throughout the year, the Speech and Debate team practices twice weekly — in events ranging from acting to public speaking to debate — and attends weekend competitions. The team fosters a community of learners who work together to make their voices heard on issues they feel passionate about — and have plenty of fun while doing so. (For example: at the end of the year, they hold a team “Speech and Debanquet” to celebrate their accomplishments.)

Coached by North Mecklenburg history teacher Mr. Bischoff (the 2023 Carolina West District Coach of the Year), the team will send two of its members to the 2023 National Speech and Debate Association national tournament. Throughout its illustrious history, the team has made twenty-four appearances at the national tournament.

Students in Speech and Debate have the opportunity to compete in a wide variety of different events. Original Oratory requires them to research, write, and deliver a speech about a topic they’re passionate about. Dramatic Interpretation allows them to perform an excerpt from literature they find particularly interesting or powerful. Impromptu asks them to speak on the spot on a broad spectrum of topics. And a multitude of debate events demand research and preparation to effectively discuss current events ranging from freedom of the press in democracies to outer space policy to West African urbanization.

The organization encourages open-mindedness, critical thinking, and collaboration among its members. Students explore their topics by examining multiple perspectives to draw conclusions.

Those with a strong competitive drive call it home. Sophomore Adarsh Magesh says, “I joined Speech and Debate mainly to improve my college (and NCSSM) application, but I have found that it comes with so many more benefits.” He adds that these benefits include “the extensive community of people you will meet and the public speaking skills you acquire.” Adarsh will be attending the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in the fall.

Speech and Debate also leaves a lasting impression on those who participate, bringing them into a diverse community of people. Senior Impana Gopinath, a team co-president, says: “Speech and Debate is one of the most difficult things I have ever done, but one of the easiest decisions I have ever made. It was scary at first, putting myself out there in front of thousands of other kids doing the exact same thing, trying to make [ourselves] heard. And in all honesty, it still is scary sometimes. But it gave me a voice, a number of friends across the state (and country), and most of all, it gave me the most fantabulous coach and team that I could ever ask for. So if you asked me if Speech and Debate was worth it? I’d say yeah, it absolutely was.” Impana will be attending UNC Chapel Hill in the fall and will be dearly missed.

In the end, Speech and Debate brings people together. And those who allow themselves to be pulled in are forever glad they did. 🆅

Disclosure: the author is a co-president of the North Mecklenburg Speech and Debate Team.