The North Mecklenburg women’s soccer team just finished their 2023 season. With help from the community, coaches, and their own hard work, the players have put much effort into making sure that they are showing up as the best they can be. While the team started the season with a loss against A.L. Brown, they have stayed focused and worked hard to improve their record. Coached by North Mecklenburg history teacher Ms. Thomas, the team finished with a record of 8-11, and was fourth place in the conference.

For many players, the community on the team has been one of the most important aspects of this season. Sophomore Stephanie Gutierrez stated that “practices would be the highlight of the season for [her], when [they] are laughing and having conversations while also playing the sport that [they] enjoy.” When it comes to team sports, this support system is of utmost importance for many players. When asked to speak further about the team environment, Stephanie explained that it is “[...] very uplifting, encouraging, and energetic [...]” Junior Anika Johnson agrees, saying that the environment is “very uplifting and positive,” and that they “work well together as a team.” 

The players have been able to experience key moments that have made the 2023 season special. Anika explained that the team’s win against Phillip O. Berry was one of these highlights for her. She noticed that the team “played tough and [was] motivated to win.” Senior Anne Langdon has seen her leadership skills grow as the season has progressed. What has helped is that the team has “a lot of underclassmen in the squad this year, and being a rotating captain/senior, [Anne has] been expected to lead on and off the pitch.” 

When the team wins, there are certain factors that play a key role in this outcome. Anika explained that, for the players, “communication and teamwork are super important and can determine whether [they] win or lose.” She also says that the coach’s “ [...] constructive feedback is really beneficial for helping us get better and learn from our mistakes, and also just helps with individual confidence [...]”

However, there are certain things that the team thinks they could improve on. A challenge posed so far has been “[...] adjusting to the busy soccer schedule and showing up consistently,” according to Anika. She feels that “showing up, communicating, and putting in individual effort to help the team as a whole,” should be focused on moving forward. 

Overall, the season has been a positive one for the North Meck women’s soccer team and their community of supporters. With the sisterhood, hard work, and support system, the returning players look to be successful into next season. 🆅