They are our support system, our mentors, and they teach us valuable skills that we’ll use for the rest of our lives. But how well do you truly know your teachers? Seven North Meck teachers have sent in two truths and one lie about themselves. Take this quiz to see if you can decide which statement isn’t true!

Mr. Pasko

He bungee-jumped off the highest bungee bridge in the world.

He once showed former President Obama a coin trick.

He was banned from attending his high school graduation.

Mrs. Cook 

She once ate 47 chicken wings in one sitting.

She graduated from college in 3 years.

She was a cheerleader in high school.

Ms. Hardy

She is of Hispanic heritage.

She is from Alaska.

She is 41 years old.

Ms. Stonehouse

She’s half Scottish.

She was prom queen.

She has lived in Colorado.

Mr. Hunter

He shares a birthday with his mother.

He’s never been to Bojangles.

He has been stung by a jellyfish.

Mr. Stiefel 

He has always loved math.

He once recovered an out of control aircraft.

His prom date spent 6 hours braiding his hair for prom.

Mr. Bischoff

He had the same roommate all four years of college.

He had his hair dyed blue in 10th grade.

He almost failed his first political science class in college.