Dear Andromeda,

I have a friend who I’m not sure how to feel about. We used to be a lot closer but recently they’ve seemed more and more distant. We used to talk almost every day but now I’m lucky to talk to them once a week. I don’t know if I’ve done anything or if we’re both just growing apart. Do you have any recommendations?

A Very, Very Confused Friend

Dear Very, Very Confused Friend,

I’d first like to start off by saying that I’m sorry that someone you were once close to is no longer as close. Sometimes people do just grow apart and while it is sad, you can still be special to each other even if you do not talk all the time. However to make sure that you aren’t growing apart I would recommend reaching out to them. Make sure that they are not upset at anything you did and then discuss how you both want your relationship to move forward. Sometimes, when people change, what they look for in a friendship is also different. What they wanted in the past may not be what they want now. It could also be the case that they are busy or going through something and just need time to themselves. If this is the case they should have communicated with you, but you can help make the first step towards communication. Note: if they are going through something, make sure not to pry; they are not required to tell you what that is.

Good luck!

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