No soul understands the way you move,

Unlike a sunflower, 

your field of flowers move in different directions 

Your field of flowers, confused.

Each flower a different color, 

Different size,

Moving in different directions.

Each flower in your field wants the same thing.

Someone to choose the confused field, 

And love it for the way it is.

You’ll never have that.

No soul understands the way you move, 

They can’t love you for you. 

You can’t even love yourself first.

You claim you do.

You really don’t. 

The only thing you care about is others’ well-being.

You never think about how that affects you.

…But if you stop caring, that’s being “selfish”?

To love yourself, sometimes you have to be selfish.

No soul understands the way you move,

So why the need for love? 

You’re the only love you need. 

Become independent. 

Water your own flowers.

Make sure you get enough sunlight.

Care for every different flower

Love each individual one.

Why the need to change your field?

Love it the way it is,

it’s all you’ve got.