Dear Andromeda,

I just left my old friend group because they were too coupled up and would leave me out of conversations. Even people who weren't in a relationship seemed to be buddied up and would stop talking if the other person came around. I don't even think that they noticed that I basically ghosted them. They really only talk to me when they need work. I would sit with them at lunch and feel like I was sitting alone. Should I tell them how I feel and hope they change or should I just say away?

The Single Friend

Dear Single Friend,

I understand how it feels to be left out, and it’s hard to figure out who is genuinely your friend. I think the best course of action depends on what you think their motives are. If you think they are intentionally leaving you out/not actually your friends, then I wouldn’t feel bad about leaving them. If they want to try to be your friend again, then they can put in the effort this time. (Don’t feel pressured to forgive them if this happens, though.) 

If you do think that they were your friends, and they unintentionally made you feel bad, I would try to communicate with them. They might not have noticed that they were making you feel left out, and this could help them be better friends in the future. 

All in all, the decision is up to you. You get to decide how you would like to spend your time, so don’t spend it on people who make you feel bad. Even if they were not intentionally making you feel bad, I would recommend finding other friends who don’t make you feel lonely when you’re with them. Find people you want to hang out with and genuinely enjoy your presence. 

Sending galaxies of good luck!

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