Fun fact: Horticulture used to be a class! Unfortunately, due to a lack of funding, horticulture was removed as a class option. But only about five years later, in 2020, it made its return as an extracurricular activity. Through Zoom, the presidents Harini Magesh and Olivia Dow were determined to bring life back to North Meck Horticulture. They created a club where North Meck’s nature enthusiasts can be active in the community using their knowledge of gardening.

During the summer of 2021, the leaders of the began the task of cleaning North Meck’s abandoned greenhouse, located beside the student parking lot. The greenhouse had been deserted, with containers and pots falling to pieces, overgrown weeds surrounding the perimeter, and countless unused materials. Last year with school back in person, Horticulture truly took off. With a substantial turn-out at the first interest meeting in 2021, hosted by the presidents and former sponsor Ms. Ebert, they quickly began the journey of restoring the club. In the spring of the 2022 school year, the Horticulture Club merged with Green Team (formerly sponsored by Ms. Oates), to incorporate aspects of environmental sustainability.

Now sponsored by Ms. Scheatzle, along with the aid of Mr. Stiefel, they are working on projects including the installation of solar panels and rain barrels behind the greenhouse. These solar panels provide natural energy to operate the greenhouse. The rain barrels are a sustainable method for obtaining and storing natural rainwater (the best option for plants). Along with these projects, the club is planning others. Within the next couple of months, the club plans to take a field trip to the Metrolina School’s greenhouse where the members will aid students in gardening activities.

On November 5th they hosted the club’s second campus beautification. It was a community cleanup including North Meck, Blythe, and JMA. Beatifications are open to everyone even if you're not a member. During the beautifications, the volunteers were split into groups. One group picked up trash, another weeded, and a third pruned and planted flowers. Others focused on restoring memorials located around our school. Campus clean-ups are a way to earn service hours while simultaneously improving the community.

Horticulture is the perfect place to create friendships while learning how to care for plants while sustaining the environment. No prior experience is needed, everyone is welcome! If you are interested in being a part of this club, join their Remind @nmhortclub. 🆅